Effective Dates

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Policy Statement

In the interest of preserving a safe and orderly living and learning environment as well as to maintain the property of the College. The College reserves the right to enter, inspect and search any student room at any time with or without permission or consent of the room occupant(s) to provide emergency service or general maintenance work, make safety or condition inspections or, based on reasonable suspicion, investigate violation(s) of College policies and regulations.


Administrative room entry

Designated College representatives may enter a residential space unaccompanied by a resident student:

  1. To perform maintenance or repairs
  2. To recover College property
  3. To inspect  College property
  4. To respond to an emergency

If a room is entered for maintenance when an occupant is not present, a note will be left in the room stating that a College employee was in the room for an official reason and will give a telephone number that the student may call for information about the maintenance repair or reason for entry.

At the end of each term and interim period, the Office of Residential Life designates a closing date and time for that term.  On this date and time all residents are expected to have vacated their rooms unless permission has been granted to remain.  During the closing period, staff members from the Office of Residential Life will enter each student's room to ensure compliance with closing procedures.  During this process if items are found that violate College or ORL rules and Regulation, the appropriate office will be notified, the items may be confiscated and the occupants will face disciplinary charges.

College employees will lock the room door after the inspection or maintenance work is completed.

Searches of residential spaces based on reasonable suspicion

Searches must be based on timely information and conducted as soon as possible after a reasonable suspicion is established. Reasonable suspicion is determined on a case by case basis by the Director of Safety and Security in consultation with the Vice Provost for Student Affairs or their designee.

Residents must comply with directives of College staff while a search is conducted.

The College reserves the right to open unsecured containers or areas which could reasonably contain evidence of the violation that prompted the search. 

Residents are expected to unlock secured areas or containers at the request of College staff. IF a student declines to unlock secured areas or containers, the College reserves the right to open the area or container without student permission.

If a resident is not present and there is reasonable suspicion that a locked container contains evidence of a violation of College policy, the locked container may be removed from the resident’s room.  If an item is removed, the College will leave written notice of the removal and a written request for access to the container for the occupant.

The College reserves the right to open a secured area or container prior to asking for the occupant’s permission if information available to the College indicates its contents could endanger the health and safety of the community.

Evidence of a violation of the Standards of Conduct will be reported to the Judicial Affairs Office for possible disciplinary action.

Evidence of a violation of College policy collected during a search may be confiscated and turned over to the Department of Safety and Security. Evidence of illegal contraband or activity collected during a search will be turned over to the local police for further action in accordance with law.

If a room is entered to perform a search when an occupant is not present, a note will be left in the room stating that a College employee was in the room for an official reason and will give a telephone number that the student may call for information.