Student Life
We are committed to developing positive, inclusive student opportunities and experiences that contribute to an outstanding Dartmouth education.
Center for Social Impact
The Dartmouth Center for Social Impact welcomes all students seeking opportunities to enrich their education through volunteerism, intensive service, immersive experiences, exposure to social entrepreneurship, and more innovative programs.
Community Standards & Accountability
The Office of Community Standards & Accountability promotes community awareness of the College's core values and oversees conduct systems for individuals and organizations.
Collis Center
The Collis Center supports more than 180 student organizations, eight student governance groups, and hundreds of events each year including Bonfire, Winter Carnival and Family Weekends.
Dartmouth Forensic Union
The Dartmouth Forensic Union has a long history of successful forensic, speech and debate competition at regional and national levels.
Office of Student Life
The Office of Student Life coordinates student programs, policies, and facilities.
New Student Orientation
Our New Student Orientation program is designed to help incoming students navigate their transition to Dartmouth—academically and socially.